1. American car horns beep to the tone of F.
2. If you lined up all the slinkys ever made in a row they could wrap around the Earth 126 times.
3. In snow skiing, most men fall on their faces while most women fall on their behinds.
4. The average cat has 24 whiskers
5. There are more telephones than people in Washington D.C.
6. Grocery shoppers spend an average of 8 minutes waiting in line at the supermarket.
7. Each year, Americans use enough foam peanuts to fill ten 85-story buildings.
8. It is said the average person speaks only 10 minutes a day.
9. Adolph Hitler had his own private 15 car train named Amerika.
10. An exocannibal is a cannibal that eats only enemies and an indocannibal eats only friends.
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