Some occult tongue-twisters:
Alextoromantia: Divination based on the direction in which a rooster turns when let loose in a circle.
Alextryomancy: Divination by reading the random configurations formed by scattering grains of wheat on the ground.
Amniomancy: Foretelling a child's future from the arrangement of the amniotic membrane at the child's birth.
Arithomancy: Divination by abstruse and secret numerical calculations.
Belomancy: Divination by reading the flight patterns of randomly shot arrows and their position when they land.
Cereoscopy: Interpreting the patterns made by wax melted in boiling water.
Cledonism: Finding omens in the first words one hears upon rising in the morning.
Hydroscopy: Divination by reading the ripples created by three stones tossed into a pond.
Kieidiscopy: Divination by reading the undulations of a key swinging on a string.
Lycanthropy: The study of werewolves.
Metoposcopy: Divination by reading the positions, shapes, and sizes of the moles or blemishes on a person's body.
Ornithomancy: Divination by reading the flight patterns of birds.
Pyromancy: Divination by reading the movements of flame.
Rhabdomancy: Hunting for gold, water, or precious metals by using a hazel wand as a pointer.
Scapulomancy: Divination by reading the cracks and fissures in the roasted shoulder bones of a sheep.
Screeology: The art of reading the future in a crystal ball.
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